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Real Assets Tokens (Super Structured)

Super Structured Tokens represent the tokenization of real assets. The benefits of tokenizing these assets are vast, including increased liquidity, faster transactions, reduced costs, and enhanced risk management. Anyone can trade these assets, regardless of their location and without intermediaries. In other words, tokenization of real assets helps in connecting to a growing, global secondary market.

Do you have any doubt?

You can let us explain it to you.

BLOCKBR is a fintech that combines technological innovation and digital knowledge to structure financial products by transforming physical assets into digital ones, called tokens.

We tokenize from end to end, from simple deals for funding or receivables to super structured products for secondary market offers in Brazil, Europe and Asia.

Creating new financial products for the market in a democratic and decentralized way makes it simpler, as well as more efficient, how people will invest money and learn about new financial products.

BLOCKBR Digital Assets tokenizes;

= Reserves of a monetary value – Payment token (Bitcoin)

= The right to use a service – Utility Token

= The right of ownership of a certain real asset – Asset Token

= The right to dividends – Security Token

= The right to vote in a company’s decisions – Equity Token

= Non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) subject to DEFI.

To understand who you are, we suggest filling out a KYC form with access through this QR Code;

If you already have some technical knowledge about tokenization, access the page “I want to issue tokens” on the top menu, fill in the tokenization form and our team will contact you.

Everything at BLOCKBR starts like any business relationship, we seek to understand the feasibility and after that we charge a different fee for each project/asset for tokenization.

When the project and its structuring for the issuance of the token only in a primary offering are approved, we charge a percentage of the total value of the sale of the tokens in the success of the capture/operation.

If it is a super structured token, we created TOKENOMICS in which BLOCKBR will also win in tokens in the secondary market.

= Tokenomics is the token economy, it seeks to create an economic ecosystem supported by tokens where it supports itself. The token economy is meant to radically change the economic system across the world.

Tokenization is legal in Brazil. However, the legislation does not specifically address this process and encompasses it in the regulation on crowdfunding.

This is not to say that there is no legal discipline on the activity. What will govern good tokenization practices will be the civil code that governs legal relations.

Furthermore, depending on the legal nature of the token, other specific rules related to the activity of the tokenized asset come into force.

In any case, tokens and cryptocurrencies have been formally included as an asset category for declaration in the IR since 2021.

BLOCKBR seeks assets that have a market, are scalable, have guarantees and present advantages for token buyers. For token issuance request , fill out the issuance form and wait for our contact.

The vast majority of assets and assets can be tokenized.

That is, any asset that generates income can be fragmented into tokens. You can tokenize cars, land, real estate, energy, equipment, intellectual property, financial products and more.

Generally, assets that are less liquid are those that benefit most from the tokenization process, such as real estate (even when still in the design phase), works of art, venture capital funds, loans and advances.

There are many other possibilities for tokens, such as those that give early access to some service or product.

Since virtually all assets can be tokenized, you just need to understand which ones will benefit you the most.

In practice, there is no limit to how much you can raise as an asset owner. The limitations are imposed by the tokenized asset within the regulation and depend on each project specifically, its modality and guarantees.

Strictly speaking, tokenization itself would have no restriction, as it boils down to transforming a real asset into a virtual asset. Depending on the actual asset type, there may be restrictions linked to the generating activity of the asset to be tokenized.

The minimum value for investments in tokens depends on the asset. It can be from R$ 25.00 or R$ 50.00. BLOCKBR’s objective is to encourage and democratize access for all people, which is why the token values are always accessible.

There is a possibility that there is a maximum value for your investment, but this will depend on the type of token and the asset it represents.

As BLOCKBR’s objective is to democratize the access of all people to investment in tokens, the maximum value works so that more investors have the possibility to obtain the same token. We also pay attention to the use of tools that comply with our KYC (Know your customer) policies, which in Portuguese means: know your customer regarding the prevention of crimes such as terrorist financing, fraud and money laundering.

From a legal point of view and from the digitized information point of view, the acquisition of tokens is safe.

However, every investment is subject to risk. The risks involved in investing in tokens are the same as in any other investment, that is, related to credit, performance, market, speculation and liquidity.

Thus, as a rule, there is no guarantee of profitability. However, tokenized assets undergo a careful evaluation by the BLOCKBR team.

YEA ! The token sale will depend on the type of token you have invested in and will take place through the secondary market (Exchanges).

Each case is analyzed in its particularities and generally this information is available on the offer page. If you can’t find it, write down the name and token code and contact us.

Your tokens are stored in your BLOCKBR wallet with all the necessary security and you can even transfer them to any of your own wallets, if you prefer.

The valuation of your token depends on the valuation of the asset it represents, which, in turn, is valued based on the market in which it is inserted.

For example, if your token represents a fraction of a project, building a mall close to it can increase its value.

If your token represents an operating result of a business and its value distribution within the market in which it participates, this is due to one of the main factors influencing the valuation of your investment.

If these tokens go to a secondary offer on exchanges or distributors of financial products, they can be traded, also obtaining purchase and sale volatility.

We created a form via QRcode to get to know you. Please fill in the form and it will be a pleasure to assist you.